This is the continuation of a long-running project which I drastically revamp every year or so. It started with my friends and I sending each other interesting things on the internet as most people do. Knowing that I was missing out on great content that my friends were sending other people, I started The Tab which was a project to collect the most interesting and inspiring content from you and your friends, share it, and provide a list of some of the highlights, curated by other members of the community. After about half a year of The Tab, we revived it with Content Club, moving to a subreddit to place a greater emphasis on discussing this content. That brings us to Content We Love, a project to compile all the fun content we have collected and present it in a visually appealing way. This also was a great project to build my web development skills. I hope you enjoy it and find something compelling.
Have any suggestions for improvements? Please let me know!
Yes of course! Please use the form here to submit the piece of content.
Glad you noticed! This project was inspired by NPR's Books We Love (formerly the Book Concierge). Although it was not used much in my project, NPR does post the code for their site which is fun.
Coming soon!
Well, if you must know... The site uses Flask (a python framework) as a backend that fetches the data from the Airtable API. A python package url-metadata was used to scrape cover images and descriptions for content when available. Layout and interaction are done through vanilla JS and CSS. The site is hosted on Heroku. Code for the project can be found here.